Supreme Court Recruitment 2021 for Court Assistant (Junior Translator) Apply Online Form
Supreme Court Recruitment 2021 for Court Assistant (Junior Translator) Apply Online Form: सुप्रीम कोर्ट ऑफ इंडिया ने कोर्ट असिस्टेंट जूनियर ट्रांसलेटर के पदों के लिए नोटिफिकेशन जारी किया है. इस भर्ती के में कोर्ट असिस्टेंट जूनियर ट्रांसलेटर के 30 पदों पर भर्ती की जाएगी.सुप्रीम कोर्ट सहायक भर्ती 2021 के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन फॉर्म 15 फरवरी 2021 से 13 मार्च 2021 के मध्य भरे जाएंगे. इसके योग्य अथवा इच्छुक उम्मीदवार अधिकारिक वेबसाइट के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर पाएंगे.इस भर्ती से जुड़ी संपूर्ण जानकारी देखने के लिए ऑफिशियल नोटिफिकेशन को अवश्य देखेंजिसका डाइरिंक हमने नीचे दिया है. इस भर्ती से संबंधित लेटेस्ट अपडेट पाने के लिए समय-समय पर आधिकारिक वेबसाइट विजिट करते हैं.

Supreme Court Recruitment 2021 की पोस्ट डिटेल्स
Name of Post | No. of Posts |
Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Hindi) | 05 Posts |
Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Assamese) | 02 Posts |
Juni. Translator (for translating judgment from English to Bengali) | 02 Posts |
Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Telegu) | 02 Posts |
Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Gujarati) | 02 Posts |
Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Marathi) | 02 Posts |
Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Tamil) | 02 Posts |
Juni. Translator (for translating judgment from English to Urdu) | 02 Posts |
Juni. Translator (for translating judgment from English to Kannada) | 02 Posts |
Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Malayalam) | 02 Posts |
Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Manipuri) | 02 Posts |
Juni. Translator (for translating judgment from English to Odia) | 02 Posts |
Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Punjabi) | 02 Posts |
Junior Translator (for translating judgment from English to Nepali) | 01 Posts |
हमारे व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप में शामिल होने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें: Click Here
Supreme Court Recruitment 2021 की शैक्षणिक योग्यताएं
Name Of Post | Educational Qualifications |
Court Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator) | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Hindi as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Hindi and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC. OR (iii) Two years’ experience in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iv) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English and Hindi language. |
Court Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator-for translation from English to Assamese and vice-versa) | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Assamese language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Assamese language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from the Assamese language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Assamese language. |
Co. Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator-for translation from English to Bengali and vice-versa) | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Bengali language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Bengali language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from the Bengali language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Bengali language. |
Court Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator-for translation from English to Telugu and vice-versa) | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Telugu language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Telugu language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from the Telugu language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Telugu language. |
Court Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator-for translation from English to Gujarati and vice-versa) | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Gujarati language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Gujarati language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from the Gujarati language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Gujarati language. |
Co. Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator-for translation from English to Urdu and vice-versa) | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Urdu language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Urdu language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from the Urdu language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Urdu language. |
Court Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator-for translation from English to Marathi and vice-versa) | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Marathi language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Marathi language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from the Marathi language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Marathi language. |
Court Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator-for translation from English to Tamil and vice-versa) | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Tamil language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Tamil language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from the Tamil language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Tamil language. |
Co. Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator for translation from English to Kannada and vice-versa) | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Kannada language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Kannada language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from the Kannada language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Kannada language. |
Court Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator-for translation from English to Malayalam and vice-versa) | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Malayalam language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Malayalam language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from the Malayalam language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Malayalam language. |
Court Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator-for translation from English to Manipuri and vice-versa) | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Manipuri language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Manipuri language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from Manipuri language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Manipuri language. |
Co. Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator-for translation from English to Odia and vice-versa). | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Odia language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Odia language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from the Odia language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Odia language. |
Court Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator-for translation from English to Punjabi and vice-versa) | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Punjabi language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Punjabi language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from the Punjabi language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Punjabi language. |
Court Assistant (Ex-cadre) (Junior Translator-for translation from English to Nepali and vice-versa. | (i) A Bachelor’s Degree/Graduate with English and Nepali language as subjects; AND (ii) A Diploma/Certificate Course in Translation from English to Nepali language and vice-versa from University/Institute recognized by the Government or UGC OR Two years’ experience in translation work from the Nepali language to English and vice-versa in Central/State Government offices/ Parliament/State Legislature Secretariats or Central/ State Public Sector Undertakings/High Courts. (iii) Proficiency in computer operations and knowledge of relevant office packages viz., word processing in English language and Nepali language. |
Supreme Court Recruitment 2021 के लिए आवेदन शुल्क
- General/OBC candidates: Rs. 500/-
- SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/PH Candidates/Dependents of freedom fighters: Rs. 250/-
Supreme Court Recruitment 2021 के लिए आयु सीमा
उम्मीदवारों की न्यूनतम आयु 18 वर्ष और अधिकतम आयु 27 वर्ष रहेगी. और इसी के साथ आरक्षित वर्गों को सरकार के नियमानुसार छूट भी दी जा सकती है.
- The minimum age of the candidates will be 18 years and the maximum age will be 27 years. And along with this, relaxation can also be given to reserved classes as per the rules of the government.
Supreme Court Recruitment 2021 Selection Process & Exam Pattern
S.No. | Particulars | Maximum Marks | Minimum Qualifying Marks |
1. | Written Test: (a) A Written Test of General English and General Knowledge with multiple choice answers (Objective Type). (b) Translation from English to Vernacular Language of State. (c) Translation from Vernacular Language to the English Language. | 30 Marks 60 Marks 60 Marks | 60% 60% 60% |
2. | Typing Speed Test on a computer at the speed of 35 w.p.m. (English) and 25 w.p.m. (Vernacular language) Maximum permissible mistakes 5% of the total words typed (a) English 10 marks (b) Vernacular 10 mark | 20 Marks | 60% |
3. | Viva | 30 Marks | 60% |
Total | 200 Marks | 60% |
Supreme Court Recruitment 2021 Important Dates & Links
Start Supreme Court Bharti 2021 Online Form | 15 February 2021 |
Last Date Supreme Court Bharti 2021 Online Form | 13 March 2021 |
Official Notification | Click Here |
Apply Online | Click Here |
Official Website | |
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